Office Workstation Cleaning

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Best Workstations Fabric Dry Cleaning Services in Noida ?

Friends, we know that for a Good business it is Necessary to have a Good business and for a good business it is necessary to have a Good Place, Similarly it is necessary to keep our office and Shop etc clean and tidy.

Why office work station should be cleaned, what are the benefits of cleaning it?

Cleaning the office work station is important for several reasons. Here are some benefits of keeping the work station clean:

Health and Hygiene: Regular cleaning helps maintain a clean and hygienic environment, reducing the risk of illness and the spread of germs. A clean work station can minimize the presence of bacteria, viruses, and allergens, which can help prevent employees from getting sick.

Improved Productivity: A clean and organized work station can contribute to improved productivity. When the desk is clutter-free and everything is in its place, employees can find their documents and supplies easily, leading to a more efficient workflow. A clean and well-organized work environment also promotes focus and concentration.

Professional Image: A clean work station reflects professionalism and creates a positive impression on clients, visitors, and employees. It shows that the company values cleanliness and attention to detail, which can enhance the reputation of the organization.

Equipment Maintenance: Dust and debris can accumulate on office equipment like computers, keyboards, and printers, potentially affecting their performance and lifespan. Regular cleaning helps remove dirt and prevent the buildup of dust, which can lead to better functionality and longevity of the equipment.

Psychological Well-being: A clean and clutter-free work station can have a positive impact on employees' mental well-being. It creates a more pleasant and calming work environment, reducing stress levels and enhancing employee satisfaction.

Safety: A clean work station helps eliminate hazards and reduces the risk of accidents or injuries. Removing clutter and organizing cables can prevent tripping and falling incidents. Clean surfaces also minimize the chance of spills, which could damage equipment or cause accidents.

Long-Term Cost Savings: Regular cleaning and maintenance of the work station can help prevent the need for expensive repairs or replacements. By taking care of the equipment and keeping it clean, companies can save money in the long run.

Cleaning Boss Process of  Workstations Fabric Dry Cleaning ?
We use Best Quality Professional grade Imported Diversey TR-101 and TR- 103 chemicals to shampoo Fabric / Rugs and Carpet for commercial units. Stain removal is done by Specifically targeting the Stains or spots, then a mixture of Shampoo & detergent is applied directly on the fabric and scrubbed with the help of carpet brushes. Afterwards, the dirty foam and water is vacuumed with the help of a wet & dry vacuum cleaner machine. It leaves the Fabric / carpet fabric cleaned and a little moist which dries within 3-4 hours time with Normal air Drying or a little bit of drying under the sun if Needed.

What Is Cleaning Boss Tools & Chemicals Used ?

We use Professional Grade Safe to use Chemicals from Diversey or Sealed air such as:-

1. TR 101 ( Fabric Shampoo )
2. TR 103 ( Fabric Detergent )
3. Multipurpose Stain removal kit
Tools Used in the Process of Shampooing are as Mentioned Below ?
1. Wet & Dry Vacuum Machine.
2. Hand Machine with Soft brush.
3. Upholstery Shampooing Machine.
4. Hand Brushes.
5. Sponge and Hard Scrubbers.
6. Foam Scrubbers.
7. Buckets / Mugs etc.
What is include of Office Workstations Fabric Dry cleaning by professionals.?
There are three step of Workstations fabric Dry cleaning by professionals.

Step No 1:-  The dust from the Workstations is removed by the vacuum cleaner.
Step No 2:- Shampoo is done to remove oil and dirt that has accumulated on the WorkStations Fabric.
Step No 3:- Vacuum Cleaners  are used to remove the shampoo and water on the Workstations.
Time:- 1 to 3 hours depend on your Workstations work.
Quality of shampoo:- Internationally approved eco-friendly fabric care Shampoo used.diversey( taski)chemicals.
Important information:- Remember that after cleaning the Workstations there is moisture in it which takes 2 to 3 hours to dry. Use it only after drying.
work Satisfaction :- 100%

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